Audi A2 - Oil level sensor fault

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Posts: 13
29 Oct 2018, 22:59
Location: Bulgaria


Post  30 Oct 2018, 14:58

The warning was oil level/temperature sensor, but it was showing the level, just not the temperature. However I managed to get it solved by dumping the bin file of my old cluster and loading it to the new one with vag commander, I am getting some other missing readings now, but at least I am certain that the dash is ok and all wiring is ok, which was my main concern. Thanks a lot for your input!
Posts: 13
29 Oct 2018, 22:59
Location: Bulgaria


Post  30 Oct 2018, 21:43

Actually my "fix" only proved that the issue is with coding and not the cluster itself. After I put another cluster's file (albeit the same), I got that DEF error on top of the odometer, as well I was not able to read the outside temperature anymore. I moved back the original file, and now I am in the hunt of what coding I need to change in order for the color mfa to start displaying the oil temperature and not only the oil level. What I noticed between the codings in the two clusters is that my original one has a value in adaptation channel 19, where as the new one with the color mfa, says channel 19 is not accessible. Is there anything during installation that might prevent an adaptation channel to be accessible? Thank you, hope you can assist.
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Post  31 Oct 2018, 20:14

I'm not help you in this situation. I not have info about A3 clusters.
But you may write to this guy: VampireLo
He one of the developers of this program: DashDumpEdit
You say that in other dump all work correctly (except DEF), may be need only change some bytes in dump...
May be he help you.
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Posts: 13
29 Oct 2018, 22:59
Location: Bulgaria


Post  31 Oct 2018, 21:21

Thank you, I hope he will help me. With the other dump all works, except the DEF error and the outside temperature is missing.

But when I compared the two dumps, they look pretty different. I believe the new dash is from an older year. It is missing adaptation channel 19 all together (where you set the light on the arrows). I guess I am at a dead end.

Is there a way to disable certain messages on colormfa?
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Post  01 Nov 2018, 08:17

Is there a way to disable certain messages on colormfa?
Possible to disable errors message on screen. But it's not disable error checking (dashboard may beep and errors is present in diagnostics).
Enable debug mode (very long press "down" on Screensave screen). Goto menu->debug->software->errors->uncheck errors what not need. Disable debug mode (very long press "down" on Screensave screen).
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Posts: 13
29 Oct 2018, 22:59
Location: Bulgaria


Post  01 Nov 2018, 10:12

Awesome, thank you!
Posts: 13
29 Oct 2018, 22:59
Location: Bulgaria


Post  09 Nov 2018, 21:55

I was able to solve this issue by trial/error copy/paste from a file that had the oil reading correct. I was comparing my file to a "working" file and I just tried with small pieces of code at a time where there were differences. So now everything works and no "DEF" error too.
Posts: 38
17 Jan 2018, 11:50


Post  09 Nov 2018, 22:06

Could you please advice the addresses for that change
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29 Oct 2018, 22:59
Location: Bulgaria


Post  10 Nov 2018, 00:38

I couldn't figure out which byte is doing exactly what. I was just randomly copying the different aspects of the original file onto mine in small portions and doing many eeprom writes to make sure that latest change did not screw things up (which it did few times). So I cannot really provide any useful information unfortunately, it was trial/error.

I have attached my before and after files. The "new_dash_original_adapted" file is the one without the oil sensor temp working, and the other one is the final one where everything works and there are no errors.
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Posts: 38
17 Jan 2018, 11:50


Post  12 Nov 2018, 13:42

Thanks for your files! Unfortunately, there are a lot of differences and not possible to get understanding where is area responsible for the oil sensor. (
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VW Tiguan mk1 рест 2012
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29 Oct 2018, 22:59
Location: Bulgaria


Post  19 Nov 2018, 23:18

See attached, I have narrowed down the oil sensor stuff into this general area, highlighted in yellow. It is all FF on that file where it does not have oil sensor working properly. I have done some trials and errors with this data from a working file, but I was not able to figure out a particular byte and what it is doing. I was only able to have the oil sensor read a permanent 97 degrees, but this is nothing :D
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Posts: 38
17 Jan 2018, 11:50


Post  20 Nov 2018, 10:22

Awaken, there is some more light on the issue with oil sensor. Thanks!
VW Golf MKIV forever )
VW Tiguan mk1 рест 2012
Posts: 13
29 Oct 2018, 22:59
Location: Bulgaria


Post  26 Nov 2018, 23:28

Were you able to figure out something?