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A6C5 VDO DCF clock...doesn't updated yet? (SOLVED)

Добавлено: 26 май 2018, 17:34
Hi friends,

after installed MFA, a few days ago, my clock (DCF controlled) not yet updated...is this consequence of MFA or? ...
for example, last night I have an A3 to repaire, accu was disconnected and dash reseted to 2000y...but this morning, as well as I have seen, DCF adjust clock over the night,,,,on my car..still not?
Any idea or similar experience?

Milan :crazy:

A6C5 VDO DCF clock...doesn't updated yet?

Добавлено: 28 май 2018, 11:46
What is "DCF" ?

ColorMFA does not affect to any clock system on cluster. Manually set or automatic adjustment... no matter.

A6C5 VDO DCF clock...doesn't updated yet?

Добавлено: 28 май 2018, 23:50
I think so, and this DCF workt normaly till this moment...
Here is on the picture what I calling DCF....automatic clock adjust system. I think it is contolled by DCF from broadcast.
thanks, regards,
cuby :%)

A6C5 VDO DCF clock...doesn't updated yet?

Добавлено: 29 май 2018, 15:27
Updated!! By it self! After 10 days..a little bit strange...but it working. So, now we know for sure..
''ColorMFA does not affect to any clock system on cluster. Manually set or automatic adjustment... no matter.''
that's the true.
Thanks a lot for help,
cuby :evil: