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Updated instructions for the 3.4 board?

Добавлено: 08 апр 2018, 02:30

I'm doing a DIY install for my 2004 Audi Allroad. I was part of the last batch so I have the 3.4 board which looks a little different from the 3.2 ones. Are there any updated instructions for the new boards?

The pinouts are different, I would like to be sure of what I'm doing. :roll:


Updated instructions for the 3.4 board?

Добавлено: 08 апр 2018, 05:28
Pinouts is not changed (3.2 and 3.4 is the same).

Updated instructions for the 3.4 board?

Добавлено: 08 апр 2018, 21:59
Yes, I realized that the pinout is the same. I was worried when I saw the board in the picture which is quite different!