snow indication

Interface and features

Все вопросы о внешнем виде и функциях ColorMFA
All questions about the appearance and functions of ColorMFA
Сообщения: 5
16 июл 2020, 20:40


Сообщение  28 ноя 2021, 22:53

i have snow indication behind exterior température but only 10 secondes and after its desappear.
how i can have this permanently?
thanks for answer
AUDI A6 allroad 2.5TDI 2003 TIPTRONIC
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2515
28 дек 2017, 19:07
Откуда: Москва


Сообщение  29 ноя 2021, 09:21

In the main area and the OK area, the snowflake icon blinks for only 10-12 seconds. After that, it will disappear.
In the top and bottom areas, the snowflake icon blinks for 10-12 seconds and remains visible without blinking.
This mode was made at the request of users.
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Сообщения: 55
30 сен 2018, 18:23
Откуда: Sofia, Bulgaria


Сообщение  29 ноя 2021, 14:46

Is it possible to add a beep, when snowflake pops up? It will be good to point your attention on the display, to see that outside temperature is 5 degree or lower. I think this function is available also on OEM dashboard.
Последний раз редактировалось Haribos 10 мар 2022, 15:20, всего редактировалось 1 раз.
Audi A6 4B C5 4,2(ASG) MY2002
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2515
28 дек 2017, 19:07
Откуда: Москва


Сообщение  29 ноя 2021, 21:10

If the cluster supports a beep when displaying a snowflake, the cluster does so. No need to double it in ColorMFA.
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Please add info about your car to you signature (profile -> edit signature). To not ask every time... :)
Сообщения: 5
16 июл 2020, 20:40


Сообщение  30 ноя 2021, 21:45

thanks for the answer
AUDI A6 allroad 2.5TDI 2003 TIPTRONIC