
Interface and features

Все вопросы о внешнем виде и функциях ColorMFA
All questions about the appearance and functions of ColorMFA
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Сообщения: 2584
28 дек 2017, 19:07
Откуда: Москва


Сообщение  30 мар 2022, 08:09

I'm looking at the dashboard needle so it's not a problem but I would like to understand...
The arrow on the instrument panel shows 90 when the actual temperature is in the range of 75-107.
On VCDS 90°C
On ColorMFA 88°C (engine)
90°C (dashboard)
Where do you look in VCDS?
The dashboard sensor readings must be viewed in the dashboard. The readings of the motor sensor must be viewed in the motor.
A new original sensor usually has a discrepancy of 1-2 degrees (motor - dashboard). Over time, sensors degrade. The spread will be greater. If the difference between the motor and the dashboard is 5 degrees, you need to think about replacing the sensor. If the discrepancy is more than 10 degrees, the sensor must be replaced as soon as possible.
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