Buying Color MFA

Second hand

Покупка и продажа всего что так или иначе связано с ColorMFA и MultiMFA
Buying and selling everything that is somehow connected with ColorMFA and MultiMFA
Posts: 1
06 May 2021, 20:01


Post  06 May 2021, 20:04

Hi, guys.

I am sorry if I am posting in the wrong place, but I am interested in purchasing a unit. I saw no place, or button to order.
Can somebody assist me as to the purchase process?

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Posts: 2515
28 Dec 2017, 19:07
Location: Москва


Post  07 May 2021, 01:09

Добавьте данные об автомобиле в подпись (профиль -> подпись). Чтоб не спрашивать постоянно... :)
Please add info about your car to you signature (profile -> edit signature). To not ask every time... :)