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This is a regular archive (RAR). It is supported in the latest versions of Windows by default. You can also download the archiver from the link:
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Ok thanks I'll get it updated from same person who did previously.. also what other changes this firmware have really liked your firmware when you allowed change of icon colours?
This is test firmware. We do not publish information about changes in test firmware. Because this is not the final version. Functions may change.
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I have also noticed the low oil level warning isn't showing.. don't know why
Which dashboard was installed in? With a big screen, with a small screen or without a screen?
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On clusters with a small screen or without a screen, the low oil level alarm is synchronized with the operation of the cluster alarm (warning led on the cluster). Only when the internal cluster system says that the level is low will you receive a warning on the screen. If you want to receive this warning from ColorMFA (using internal oil level calculation in ColorMFA), you must enable the "Int OilLevel" option in the hidden menu (Debug->Software->Forcing). But. The level calculated inside the ColorMFA is triggered earlier than the cluster alarm. This needs to be kept in mind.
If the installation was in a cluster with a full screen, then only the internal ColorMFA calculation is used for low oil level and it cannot be synchronized with the cluster alarm.
If the installation was in a cluster with a full screen, then only the internal ColorMFA calculation is used for low oil level and it cannot be synchronized with the cluster alarm.
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The hidden menu is screen saver then hold down the button and then is the debug
Hi is it possible to have different colour of car from just the white colour.. my car is blue so was thinking if can have blue colour.. the doors open is red which is perfect but the actuall colour of car change please
Of course I've already thought about this. Unfortunately the implementation is not very simple. It will require reworking the images of all the cars, a lot more space to save the images, and more CPU power to display. Perhaps such an option will appear, but I can’t say for sure yet.
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Please add info about your car to you signature (profile -> edit signature). To not ask every time... :)
Thanks can't to just do blue colour one off custom mk4 3 door blue for me and I load via firmware bcuz I don't need to change colour ever again after that. That is possible
We do not make "personal" firmware. Only options available to all users for all cars.
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Please add info about your car to you signature (profile -> edit signature). To not ask every time... :)
Oh ok but yes please make soon bcuz that very nice option
Also when you realeae next new firmware?
- BlauerS6C5
- Сообщения: 11
- Регистрация:
- 13 июн 2021, 10:38
Hello, I bought a used display. It's cool that the tire pressure monitor and air suspension are displayed. Is it not possible to display the oil pressure? There are now original pressure sensors from VW. That would be a very good thing because oil pressure problems quickly become expensive....
Audi S6 4B ANK
Connection to ColorMFA of external sensors is not provided.
Original VAG systems do not include analog oil pressure sensors. They only have a discrete "yes/no" sensor. Accordingly, original systems and ColorMFA can only display a warning for a low pressure threshold, but cannot show the current value of oil pressure.
Original VAG systems do not include analog oil pressure sensors. They only have a discrete "yes/no" sensor. Accordingly, original systems and ColorMFA can only display a warning for a low pressure threshold, but cannot show the current value of oil pressure.
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Please add info about your car to you signature (profile -> edit signature). To not ask every time... :)
- BlauerS6C5
- Сообщения: 11
- Регистрация:
- 13 июн 2021, 10:38
It's a shame, because the pressure sensors provide a signal depending on the pressure. The sensors are operated with 5 volts and deliver a signal of 0 - 5 volts.
Audi S6 4B ANK
What sensors?
There are no original analog oil pressure sensors on these cars. They were never installed at the factory and are not included in the design.
Any other third-party sensors need to be connected somewhere (ColorMFA does not provide such a connection). And different manufacturers have different sensor calibrations (measurement ranges and signal characteristics). It's not just "0-5 volts".
You can transmit data via CAN bus.
Motor CAN, ID 709:
byte 1 - oil pressure (value * 20), bar
byte 2 - fuel pressure (value * 20), bar
There are no original analog oil pressure sensors on these cars. They were never installed at the factory and are not included in the design.
Any other third-party sensors need to be connected somewhere (ColorMFA does not provide such a connection). And different manufacturers have different sensor calibrations (measurement ranges and signal characteristics). It's not just "0-5 volts".
You can transmit data via CAN bus.
Motor CAN, ID 709:
byte 1 - oil pressure (value * 20), bar
byte 2 - fuel pressure (value * 20), bar
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