Hi, is it possible to install colorMFA in audi S3 8L of year 99 with big screen (FIS)?
8L0 920 930 F is can bus, right? But I'm not sure if the car of the year 99, supports can bus ..
A friend asks me for his audi, I have installed colorMFA in my golf iv
Thanks in advance
Installation Audi S3 8L of year 99
A3 and A6 need check individually. Some cars of year 99 is work fine, some not work even if year 2001.
Добавьте данные об автомобиле в подпись (профиль -> подпись). Чтоб не спрашивать постоянно... :)
Please add info about your car to you signature (profile -> edit signature). To not ask every time... :)
Please add info about your car to you signature (profile -> edit signature). To not ask every time... :)
Okay, thank you very much, I will tell my friend.
By the way, I like animated logos, great work Autopilot
By the way, I like animated logos, great work Autopilot