Installation Audi S3 8L of year 99

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Сообщения: 20
08 мар 2018, 18:44


Сообщение  02 фев 2019, 16:00

Hi, is it possible to install colorMFA in audi S3 8L of year 99 with big screen (FIS)?

8L0 920 930 F is can bus, right? But I'm not sure if the car of the year 99, supports can bus ..

A friend asks me for his audi, I have installed colorMFA in my golf iv :D

Thanks in advance
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28 дек 2017, 19:07
Откуда: Москва


Сообщение  02 фев 2019, 22:34

A3 and A6 need check individually. Some cars of year 99 is work fine, some not work even if year 2001.
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Сообщения: 20
08 мар 2018, 18:44


Сообщение  03 фев 2019, 18:34

Okay, thank you very much, I will tell my friend.

By the way, I like animated logos, great work Autopilot :Bravo: