Brightness "trim"

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Posts: 3
03 Nov 2018, 15:40


Post  09 Nov 2018, 03:15

Automatic brightness is too bright at night. Can a brightness "trim" be set to adjust this?

I do not mean manual brightness. I mean adjusting the autobrightness so that in the day it is visible, and at night it does not blind me.

And yes, I know about the cluster brightness adjuster to the left of the steering wheel (2003 Passat) but if I turn that down the instrument cluster is too dark.

In other words I would like to calibrate the ColorMFA so it is balanced with the brightness of the rest of the cluster.
2003 Passat W8 6-speed sedan, black. ColorMFA installed by "Clusters By Litke."
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Posts: 2494
28 Dec 2017, 19:07
Location: Москва


Post  09 Nov 2018, 18:57

Sorry, but currently is not possible manually set range of automatic brightness.
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Posts: 32
21 Mar 2018, 19:37


Post  21 Jan 2019, 22:47

Big edit:

With brigtness you solved very well, with "press up" very good option! :good:
Skoda Octavia RS mk1, immo3