Interface Update outside of the car

Interface and features

Все вопросы о внешнем виде и функциях ColorMFA
All questions about the appearance and functions of ColorMFA
Сообщения: 18
24 мар 2020, 22:03


Сообщение  13 июн 2022, 13:41

Hey , is there a way to update the interface without pressing buttons ?
It does not take any button input and the current version it's on seems to have a problem in A3 and it crashes.

Anyway to update on the table ? Just with +/- and IGN+ ?

Thank you
A3 8P 1.9Tdi BKC
Аватара пользователя
Сообщения: 2491
28 дек 2017, 19:07
Откуда: Москва


Сообщение  13 июн 2022, 19:12

Connect the +12, GND and ignition wires (to +12).
Connect Input 2 (in the KEY area) to the ground before turning on the device. Turn on the power. The ColorMFA should switch to bootloader mode. If it does not go to the bootloader, try to connect input 1 to the ground.
After the ColorMFA goes to the bootloader, you must remove this connection (input 1 or 2 to the ground), connect the USB and update the firmware.
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Сообщения: 18
24 мар 2020, 22:03


Сообщение  13 июн 2022, 20:48

thank you
A3 8P 1.9Tdi BKC