I want to buy a Color Mfa for a Golf 4

Second hand

Покупка и продажа всего что так или иначе связано с ColorMFA и MultiMFA
Buying and selling everything that is somehow connected with ColorMFA and MultiMFA
Сообщения: 1
22 дек 2019, 14:50


Сообщение  22 дек 2019, 14:54

where can I order a Color MFA for the Golf 4 and what does it cost me including shipping to Germany.
Сообщения: 12
04 янв 2019, 21:23
Откуда: Отсюда


Сообщение  23 дек 2019, 00:08

For order write me here in pm or pm on drive2 (https://www.drive2.ru/users/dirtylime/) or to viber +79185705577
write your car model, quantity and payment method you prefer
15 batch is over! the next set is planned in February-March 2020
Audi A4, B6, 1.8T quattro, 5Smgb, AVJ, 2003 m.y.