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Все вопросы о внешнем виде и функциях ColorMFA
All questions about the appearance and functions of ColorMFA
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Post  11 Dec 2018, 10:13

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18 Jan 2018, 00:50


Post  16 Dec 2018, 04:08

B25 causes settings to no longer be stored if 12V is removed. All defaults back to "new" settings when powered back on. They were stored in earlier firmware versions. Can this be added back?
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Post  16 Dec 2018, 04:49

All settings are stored before going to sleep mode. This saves the lifetime of the internal eeprom.
If you need save settings after work "on table", you may:
1. Turn Ignition Off (not all power, only ignition) and wait 5-6 seconds (this works only if CAN not connected or if CAN in sleep mode)
2. Before remove power change Language settings to any other and set back to you preffered (while change Language all settings stored immediately).

In normal work mode (in car) all settings stored once before ColorMFA going to sleep or power off mode.
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09 Feb 2018, 22:40


Post  17 Dec 2018, 13:05

Possible to turn on a “favourites” option?

First you must turn it on.

This will let you have 2 shortcuts in the two top slots of main menu without having to navigate to them each time.
Posts: 2
15 Dec 2018, 01:50


Post  18 Dec 2018, 00:35

Is their a chance to implement the new cruise control methodology in the colorMFA?
Means without holding the +button till reach the speed but setting the speed in the display and car will speed up without pushing the button?
Would be nice to see.
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Post  18 Dec 2018, 12:59

Possible to turn on a “favourites” option?
I'll think about this. Is not easy, because menu navigation is not "dynamic", it pre-builded while compilation.
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Post  18 Dec 2018, 13:01

Is their a chance to implement the new cruise control methodology in the colorMFA?
No. ColorMFA does not control cruise system.
Cruise control buttons directly connected to motor ECU. Motor ECU control all cruise process.
ColorMFA only show info what motor ECU send to CAN-bus.
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15 Dec 2018, 01:50


Post  18 Dec 2018, 13:37

autopilot wrote:
18 Dec 2018, 13:01
Is their a chance to implement the new cruise control methodology in the colorMFA?
No. ColorMFA does not control cruise system.
Cruise control buttons directly connected to motor ECU. Motor ECU control all cruise process.
ColorMFA only show info what motor ECU send to CAN-bus.
understood - thanks a lot for the quick reply.

Posts: 32
21 Mar 2018, 19:37


Post  21 Jan 2019, 23:26

Just an idea. What about possibility to add more color options for displayed values, I mean for font or numbers if you want it call it like that. Now its only white. Would be possible to change it like theme, where is red, green, blue and other in the future? I think for more people would it be better different color than white.

second thing: Can you add "outside temperature" for data to show? So it could be also in main screen and not only on the top or bottom of the display in small values. For some people it would be better option, I think. :)
Last edited by JimB on 22 Jan 2019, 02:59, edited 1 time in total.
Skoda Octavia RS mk1, immo3
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14 Mar 2018, 04:16


Post  22 Jan 2019, 00:53

Hello, will there be an option to insert animated logos? :D
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Post  22 Jan 2019, 08:47

Не плохо было бы добавить декодер кнопок на руле в аналог.
Большинство магнитол с навигацией поддерживают аналоговое (резистивное управление).
На VAG-ах оно цифровое. Нажатие кнопок можно определять через K-Line. Либо декодировать сигнал с реле руля.
Там сначала идет ID кнопки и потом просто меандр (длинные нули и единицы) имитируют многократное нажатие, пока кнопку не отпустишь.
Для выхода на магнитолу можно задействовать неиспользуемые контакты или доп. разъём.
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Post  22 Jan 2019, 09:42

What about possibility to add more color options for displayed values, I mean for font or numbers if you want it call it like that.
No, sorry. Font size and color not planned to make customized.
Can you add "outside temperature" for data to show?
I'll think about this...
will there be an option to insert animated logos?
Will be added in the next firmware.
Не плохо было бы добавить декодер кнопок на руле в аналог.
Нет в цветном входов-выходов для этого.
Да и в инете вроде полно различных адаптеров под любые рули и шины.
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18 Feb 2018, 08:57
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Post  22 Jan 2019, 11:05

Не плохо было бы добавить декодер кнопок на руле в аналог.
Нет в цветном входов-выходов для этого.
Да и в инете вроде полно различных адаптеров под любые рули и шины.

Я как-то пробовал к шарану подобрать - не вышло.
Пришлось сделать самому на ардуине.

Попробую немного обосновать возможность реализации:
Т.к. дисплей k-line слушает, наверно можно вытянуть от туда нажатие кнопок на руле.
У меня из 4-х выходов OUT задействован 1 (на плате ColorMFA).
3 свободных. если на них навесить резисторный делитель - можно получить аналоговое управление для магнитолы.
Это 7-мь комбинаций, т.е. 7 кнопок можно подвязать. На руле всего 4-ре.

Вот такие вот размышления дилетанта. :)
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Post  22 Jan 2019, 11:23

Т.к. дисплей k-line слушает
Дисплей К-лайн не слушает. Оно ему не надо. :)
Да и рули обычно по ЛИН данные кидают. Хоть и похоже на К-лайн, но не К-лайн вовсе. И подключать одно к другому противопоказано.
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21 Mar 2018, 19:37


Post  22 Jan 2019, 14:46

Thanks for reply. I think size of font is ok. No problem with that.

But color of the font would be very nice to customize. I have glasses for driving and I'm little bit sensitive on white color. So I would appreciate possibility to add more colors for font and I think also others. Maybe you'll change your mind in the future. But thanks for the info at least. :)
Skoda Octavia RS mk1, immo3
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Post  22 Jan 2019, 15:05

Maybe you'll change your mind in the future.
Maybe... in future... :) But not now. :)
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07 Oct 2018, 14:51


Post  25 Jan 2019, 00:36


It's my first message and I want to know if it was possible to have a logo at the ignition OFF during few second ?

Golf IV TDI 130 2002
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Post  25 Jan 2019, 11:14

Sorry, but logo is not shown at ignition OFF. Function like "good bye". And not planed (in near future) to add this feature.
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14 Mar 2018, 04:16


Post  26 Jan 2019, 23:01

autopilot wrote:
22 Jan 2019, 09:42
will there be an option to insert animated logos?
Will be added in the next firmware.
:Bravo: :Bravo: :Bravo: :Bravo: Thanks :beer:
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07 Oct 2018, 14:51


Post  27 Jan 2019, 12:37

autopilot wrote:
25 Jan 2019, 11:14
Sorry, but logo is not shown at ignition OFF. Function like "good bye". And not planed (in near future) to add this feature.
Thanks Autopilot ;)
Golf IV TDI 130 2002